Visuel exposition Freddy Tsimba

Angalia is particularly pleased to announce Freddy Tsimba’s first solo exhibition in Paris. The Congolese sculptor is best known for working with used cartridge cases, and for the past 30 years has been creating work that bears witness and is a call for hope and peace. 

This symbolism is the reason why the Théâtre national de Chaillot took the decision in 2018 to install his large-scale work, Porteuse de vies, at the bottom of its magnificent staircase, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This four-metre-high sculpture depicts a woman, solely made from cartridge cases gathered from conflict zones, holding an open book made of keys.

Au-delà de la matière at Angalia seeks to showcase the diversity of the artist’s output over the past 15 years. The flagship work is a life-size Christ on the Cross, made from cartridge cases. Both striking and unsettling, the work reinterprets the traditional and universal depiction of sacrifice to evoke the suffering endured by victims of armed conflict around the world.

from 11.10 to 30.11.2024

Opening on 10.10.2024 (6-9pm) in the presence of the artist
10-12 rue des Coutures Saint Gervais – 75003 Paris

> Press release